Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you

Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you


A framework for testing Orchid plugins.



The OrchidTest plugin helps you develop your own components for Orchid by providing a framework for integration-testing Orchid modules and a set of assertions to check what was rendered. This framework is intended to be used with JUnit5, with assertions built on the Strikt assertion library and kotlinx.html.


All of Orchid's official plugins are tested with this framework. See any of the tests in the main Orchid repo for demos.


Basic Usage

An OrchidTest integration test is a standard JUnit5 class that extends OrchidIntegrationTest. The OrchidModules under test should be passed to the superclass constructor. Tests are regular @Test-annotated functions, in which you will set up with mock resources and run Orchid, and then make assertions on the pages that were rendered and the contents of those pages.

class CustomPluginTest : OrchidIntegrationTest(
) {

    fun test01() {

Each test function typically consists of 3 sections:

  1. Arrange test resources and configurations
  2. Execute test to perform an Orchid build
  3. Assert which pages were rendered, and the contents of those pages

Arrange test resources and configurations

Use the resource() function to add resources to your test, which work exactly the same as if you were adding a file to your site's local resources. The first argument is the full file path and name, and the second is the raw contents of that page, typically as a Kotlin multiline string.

You can also add options to the config.yml with configObject(). It accepts a primary key to add options to, and JSON snippet for the options at that key (later, this will accept some kind of configuration DSL instead of JSON strings).

Finally, you can pass command-line flags to the test build flag().

fun test01() {
        |## Homepage Title
        |- List item 1
        |- List item 2
        |- List item 3
        |  "sections": [
        |    "section1", 
        |    "section2"
        |  ]
    flag("experimentalSourceDoc", "true")

Execute test

Calling execute() within a test function will run a complete Orchid build with the configured resources and options. It will run the build to completion and return an object with the results of the build, or else will throw an exception if the build failed, failing the test as well. This method call is typically placed directly with expectThat() for convenience in writing assertions.

fun test01() {

Assert Build Results

You will typically want to make assertions on which pages were rendered in the site. The following functions are available on the test results builder:

  • printResults() - Make no assertions, but print all rendered pages to the terminal for quick debugging.
  • somethingRendered() - Assert that at least one file was rendered
  • nothingRendered() - Assert that no files were rendered
  • pagesGenerated(size: Int) - Assert that a specific number of pages were rendered
  • pageWasRendered() - Assert that a file at the provided path was rendered
  • pageWasNotRendered() - Assert that a file at the provided path was not rendered
  • nothingElseRendered() - Each call to pageWasRendered() marks a page as rendered. Calling nothingElseRendered() after all appropriate calls to pageWasRendered() will assert that all rendered pages have been evaluated, to make sure additional pages were not rendered unintentionally.

In addition to checking which pages were rendered, you may wish to make assertions on the collections that were created. The following functions are available:

  • collectionWasCreated() - Assert that a collection with the given collectionType and collectionId was created
  • noOtherCollectionsCreated() - Similar to nothingElseRendered(), except that it checks whether all collections have been evaluated.

For each call to pageWasRendered(), you must provide an assertion lambda on the located page object. Most commonly, you will call htmlBodyMatches() in that callback and provide a Kotlinx.html DOM builder to match the HTML body contents. The builder is flexible in the order that attributes are listed on each tag, and recursively checks all nested HTML structures for equivalence.

fun test1() {
        .pageWasRendered("/index.html") {
            htmlBodyMatches {
                h2 {
                    +"Homepage Title"
                ul {
                    li { +"List item 1" }
                    li { +"List item 2" }
                    li { +"List item 3" }
dependencies {