Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you

Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you


Orchid's built-in menu generation intelligently connects site structure to site menus which adapt themselves to site content.

Menus are typically defined by the Theme and by the Page, and it is common for both kinds of menus to appear on a single output Page's layout. Menus typically pull pages from the Index to dynamically generate the menu items, so all that is required to keep a menu up-to-date is to choose the appropriate menu item types.

It is common for plugins to define their own menu item types, especially ones that correspond directly to the Pages a Generator in the plugin creates. The exact methods of pulling indexed pages into a menu item are left up to the plugin, and may be as opinionated as showing the latest blog posts in a single category, or as generic as simply asking for a URL to link to.