Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you

Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you


Using multiple themes, you can pick the right theme for different parts of your site.

Themes are what create structure to your site and make it unique. At its core, an Orchid theme simple contributes CSS and Javascript assets to the pages using that theme, and it also helps decide the templates that are used to lay out your pages. The templates and assets added by your theme can always be overridden in your local build, but it is never necessary to know anything about the your themes templates for it to work well with Orchid.

Picking a Theme

Themes in Orchid are added just as a dependency in your build.gradle, but they are not actually used in your site unless you set the theme property in build.gradle or set it as the theme for a specific Generator in your config.yml:

// build.gradle
dependencies {
    orchidRuntime 'io.github.javaeden.orchid:OrchidAll:0.18.0'
orchid {
    theme   = "BsDoc"
    baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"
# config.yml
  theme: BsDoc

Your theme's documentation should tell you what the key for the theme is, or you can find it in the Orchid Admin Panel.

There are a number of officially-supported Orchid themes for you to choose from, or else services like Jitpack make it exceedingly simple for theme designers to publish new themes just by hosting the theme on Github, which makes it easier for you to get set up with community-developed themes.

Note: If you have developed a theme that you'd like to feature in our showcase, you can submit a pull request to the docs branch of the Orchid repository and it will be featured on this site.

Configuring your Theme

Your themes are configured in your config.yml. Options can be set for all themes at the theme key, or for a specific theme at the key corresponding to its key. You can also break the theme options out into their own config/ files, as described here. For example, this current theme is BsDoc, and can be configured any of the following ways:

# config.yml
  primaryColor: #7E80CF
# config.yml
  primaryColor: #7E80CF
# config/theme.yml
primaryColor: #7E80CF
# config/BsDoc.yml
primaryColor: #7E80CF

Using Multiple Themes

Orchid seamlessly supports multiple themes within a single build, allowing you to pick the best theme for each section of your site. You even use your base theme with different options for different areas of your site if you'd like.

Orchid currently supports setting custom themes for the pages from each generator. Simply set the name of the Theme you'd like to use in the generator's theme property in config.yml. The theme will use the normal theme options as outlines in the section above.

# config.yml
  theme: 'BsDoc'

Alternatively, you can set the theme property to an object with a property of key and a value of the theme's name. This object is then used to configure the theme options for that specific theme as it is used by that generator's pages when they are rendered.

# config.yml
    key: 'BsDoc'
    primaryColor: '#000000'